Meeting Registration
University of Washington
16 June - June 18, 2004

The Conference fee is US$80, and includes the following:

· Morning and afternoon drinks and snacks.
· Welcome reception (Wednesday 16 June), including beer and wine.
· Conference Banquet, including beer and wine.
· Group photograph

Costs for optional Saturday excursions are extra and will be collected at the meeting.

The registration deadline is June 6. Use the following Registration Form:

PLEASE print out this html form, clearly type or print the information, and mail it by June 6, 2004 with your initial registration fee of $80 (CHECK in US$ made to "University of Washington") to:

 WTS Conference
 Astronomy Department
 Attention: Vickie Graybeal
 University of Washington Box 351580
 Seattle WA 98195-1580 USA
Note: We cannot accept credit cards or cash for any registration payments. Please send a check in US$.
Foriegn participants only can pay in cash upon arrival at the meeting. If this is your preference, then check ___ here please!

1. PERSONAL INFORMATION. (Please type or print.)

















Conference registrants who wish to purchase an extra ticket for accompanying persons to attend the welcome reception and the conference banquet, please include an additional $50 per person and include names on the form above.

If you wish to attend only the conference banquet, please write "banquet only" on the form above, along with your name and address, and send $40 per person along with this form to the address above.

Banquet option: Salmon ____ Vegetarian ____

2. TYPE OF PRESENTATION (select either poster or oral preference; the SOC will make all final selections of presentation order, formats, length, and session assignments). Please also send a 200-word abstract before 31 March to the chair of the SOC, Wayne Orchiston (

______ I wish to give an oral presentation, the title of which is


______ I shall present a poster (dimensions not to exceed 1.3 m wide by 1.0 m tall).

Poster Title and Name of Presenter to be listed on the Agenda




3. I am likely to stay one extra day and participate in:

Excursion A _______ .

Excursion B _______ .


4. Hotels.

Please make your own arrangements at one of the hotels near the University of Washington.


5. Restaurants.

Registration fee covers a reception, meeting banquet (including wine or beer for both events, for those who would like it), and breaks. Other meals will be taken at restaurants on and near campus, for which a list will be provided.


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