Hotels within 2 km of the University of Washington

Within 1km of the meeting venue are Watertown, University Inn, and College Inn; the others are 1-2km.

More Expensive

Best Western University Tower Hotel
4507 Brooklyn Ave NE, 1-800-899-0251.

4242 Roosevelt Way NE, 1-866-944-4242.

Chambered Nautilus Bed & Breakfast Inn
5005 22nd Ave NE, 1-800-545-8459.


Seattle University Travelodge
4725 25th Ave NE, 1-888-515-6375.

Silver Cloud Inn University District
5036 25th Ave NE, 1-800-205-6940.

-Runs shuttles to Campus.

University Inn
4140 Roosevelt Way NE, 1-800-733-3855.

Cheapest(and closest)("bathroom down the hall")

College Inn Hotel
4000 University Way NE, 206 633-4441.


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