Prior to review at the University level, the Dean or the Dean's designee approves all personnel actions including hiring, termination, temporary or permanent reclassifications, and temporary or permanent in-grade salary increases. This applies to all staff positions paid from any funding source. The dean's review includes equity considerations across the college.
General Merit Salary Increases:
The availability of general merit is determined by the Legislature and/or the University. When state-funded staff do not receive general merit salary increases, staff funded by sponsored research or self-sustaining activities also do not receive general merit increases.
In-grade Salary Increases:
When the position's grade level is appropriate given the position's level of responsibility, a salary adjustment within the current grade may be requested, based on:
Full Review of Position:
When there has been significant change in the position's level of responsibility (supervisory, fiscal, policy development, greater level of independence, or higher level of knowledge or skills needed), there should be a full review of the position rather than an in-grade salary adjustment.
All requests for salary increase considerations should include a memo from the unit head (director, chair, project leader, principle investigator). The memo should describe what is proposed, identify the source of funding, and provide a justification for the request. The appropriate UW HR forms (such as In-Grade Salary Increase or Position Description forms) required for evaluation must be included. The memo should include name, current position title /budget number(s), current salary, proposed salary, and proposed effective date. Employees, supervisors and unit heads are encouraged to consult with the College administrator early in the process regarding the details of any request and preparation of UW forms. Funding availability is a critical consideration in each case.
Please forward the memo and appropriately signed forms to Beverly Anderson, Administrator, CFR, Box 352100. Email from the unit head with electronic attachments is acceptable in place of signed forms.
B. Bruce Bare
Dean, Forest Resources