You MUST take the final exam. In addition, there are five hourly exams given approximately every two weeks. We automatically drop the lowest of your five hourly exam scores. All exams are closed book, but bring the Formula Card (sheets) that comes (as a detachable attachment) with the text to all exams. The Formula Card is also available online and can be printed from MyLab & Mastering under Chapter Contents (Tools for Success). You may write additional formulae and notes on the card. If you buy a used text and need a card, print it out from MyLab & Mastering. You may write any notes you wish on the Formula Card BUT ONLY on the side of the card that contains printed material. You may not share any materials with anyone else at any examination. You must bring your Husky Card to all exams.
Calculators (scientific or graphing) should be brought to all exams. If you do not own a calculator that does statistics consider buying the TI-84 Plus or TI-83 Plus. The class syllabus web page contains instructions for this calculator.
Our policy is that all exams must be taken on the scheduled date as shown on the course syllabus web page. See full details if an examination is missed due to an emergency. Note that the exam dates are fixed, but we offer two different times on exam days that you may take the exam. Exams may also be taken at a remote site such as a regional library if arrangements are made at least a week in advance with the instructor.
The four highest hourly exams constitute 72% of your grade and the final examination counts 28%. The following chart is based on past years of experience. Use this to estimate your final GPA. (Your GPA should be very close to this, but we reserve the right to make this determination at the end of the quarter.) If your total weighted points are as shown below then your estimated GPA will be:
Total Points | GPA | Total Points | GPA |
100 | 4.0 | 70 | 2.4 |
95 | 3.9 | 65 | 1.9 |
90 | 3.7 | 60 | 1.4 |
85 | 3.4 | 55 | 0.8 |
80 | 3.1 | 50 | 0.2 |
75 | 2.8 | 45 | 0.0 |
We use curvilinear interpolation between Total Points values to obtain the actual GPA. A grading curve is not used.
The class TA does all of the exam grading. The instructor assigns the course gpa. Any questions related to exam grading must be directed to the TA. Any exam questions submitted for regrading will result in the entire exam being regraded and no exam may be submitted for regrading once a subsequent exam is given. There is no regrading of any Exam Five or Final Exam question and there is no provision to undertake extra credit work.