Hourly Examinations
Closed book hourly exams are designed to be completed within 50-55 minutes and are scheduled every two weeks during the quarter. Points are deducted from an exam turned in after 55 minutes. Each exam covers two chapters of the text. You may bring a hand held scientific or graphing calculator and the formula card (sheets) that come with your text and can be detached. You may write any notes you wish on the Formula Card BUT ONLY on the side of the card that contains printed material. No other printed materials may be brought to the exams unless specifically approved in advance. You can not share Formula Cards or any other materials with anyone else during the exams.
When writing your exams, please follow all directions and CLEARLY mark your final answer -- preferably by drawing a box around it. This will help the grader follow your logic and assign the proper partial credit if appropriate. To receive full credit you must clearly show which formula you are using; plug in a few representative data points to demonstrate that you know how to use the formula; and provide the correct numerical answer. Providing only a calculator input stream will not earn full credit. Each exam may have some True-False questions as well.
The hourly exams are scheduled for:
All Hourly Examinations may be taken at EITHER 2:30-3:20 or 3:30-4:20 pm in XXXX Hall, Room XXX. We expect you to take the exam at this time and location unless you have made alternate arrangements with the instructor to take the exam at an off-campus location (such as a regional library) or at the UW DRS office in MGH 011 at least a week in advance of the exam. You may take the exam at either of the two times - no pre-notification is necessary.
A closed book comprehensive final exam (designed to be completed within 110 minutes), is given on Monday, December X. It covers chapters 1-10 of our text. Points are deducted from an exam turned in after 110 minutes. You may bring a hand held scientific or graphing calculator and the formula sheets that accompany your text. You may write any notes you wish on the Formula Card BUT ONLY on the side of the card that contains printed material. No additional materials may be used during the Final Exam. You can not share Formula Cards or any other materials with anyone else during the exams. We will furnish copies of the F table.
The Final Exam may be taken at EITHER 10:30-12:20 OR 12:30-2:20 in XXXX Hall, Room XXX. We expect you to take the exam at this time and location unless you have made alternate arrangements with the instructor to take the exam at an off-campus location (such as a regional library) or at the UW DRS office in MGH 011 at least a week in advance of the final exam. You may take the exam at either of the two times - no pre-notification is necessary.
Please review our policy regarding missed examinations and grading.