To All Members of the CFR Community
As previously announced in December 2008, our College must take a 0.75% budget reduction during this FY.
Based on the overall budget reduction recommendations provided by the CFR BAC and the EFC (both reports are available online) , we elected to take our required permanent state budget reduction in the amount of $47,050 from an unfilled faculty position. This reduction (approximately 0.5 FTE) will also be credited against the additional budget reductions we are expected to take starting July 1, 2009.
We also wish to discuss our current budget plans for the coming biennium next week. Watch your email for an announcement of an all-college meeting set for March 11th. I wish to emphasize that due to the extremely high level of uncertainty that exists, these preliminary plans may be modified in the coming weeks. However, due to HR time lines, we must initiate any required actions well in advance of July 1. Hence, we will announce our final budget plans before the end of winter quarter. Thank you for your advice and counsel as we move through these difficult issues.