Lead author for Activity #1 of the reportOregon Health Authority Public Health Department Landscape Assessment (2025)
Analysis of vaccine availability and demographic factors of vulnerability in rural Oregon
A first of its kind implementation of geospatial technologies in the analysis and decision-making processes of the Oregon Health Authority
UW Continuum College Certificate in GIS Program
September 2024 - Present
Seattle, WA
C GIS 550 C: GIS In Practice In The Pacific Northwest
C GIS 530 C: GIS Project Planning and Implementation
C GIS 510 C: Principels of Cartography and Thematic Mapping
UW Center for Social Science Computation and Research
January 2018 - June 2024
Research Consultant
Seattle, WA
Assist faculty and staff with research design and software usage. Conduct quarterly workshops on software usage and research methods. Assist affiliated departments with teaching software in classes.
ArcGIS, QGIS, Tableau, AtlasTi, Microsoft Office, Open Street Maps, Google Cloud Services, Stata
Quarterly Workshop Topics
Intro to GIS in ArcGIS
Intro to IGS in QGIS
Intro to SPSS
Making Maps with Tableau
Custom Workshops
Multimedia Field Data Collection and Qualitative Data Analysis in Atlas.ti for GEOG 525: Advanced Qualitative Methods in Geography
Data Management and Qualitative Data Analysis in Atlas.ti (asynchronous video content) for SOC W 506: Social Welfare Research and Evaluation
Data Cleaning and Analysis using SPSS Syntax for the Health Promotion Research Center
Resume Building in Tableau for COMMLD 530: Storytelling for Emergent Platforms
Mapping Health Phenomena in QGIS for GEOG 381: Maps and Health
Data Cleaning and Exploratory Analysis in SPSS for the School of Social Work
University of Washington Department of Geography
Multiple Appointments
Research Assistant
Seattle, WA
Summer 2016, March 2018 - February 2019, March 2021 - June 2022
Contributed to the NSF Funded project Shifting Spatialities of LGBTQ Life
Developed and standardized five decades of primary historical data into GIS-compliant formats in QGIS 2.8-3.2
Primary Data Digitization and Development; Aerial Photo Analysis; Ground Truthing
2021 NSF Principal Investigators: Dr. Michael Brown, Dr. Lawrence Knopp, and Dr. Bo Zhang
University of Washington Department of Geography
September 2015 - April 2018
Graduate Teaching Assistant
Seattle, WA
GEOG 360: Principles of GIS Mapping - an introductory seminar detailing the structure and functionality of Geographic Information Systems. Lab components featured step by step
GEOG 317: Geographic Information and Spatial Analysis - basic analytical techniques using ESRI software and adjacent platforms, including
GEOG 258: Digital Geographies - a comprehensive course discussing the creation and usage of geographic information online, especially through publication services
GEOG 277: Geography of Cities - an introductory course on urban studies detailing the origins of urban critical theory and application of contemporary critiques
GEOG 469: GIS Workshop - A project-based course during which students help local agencies achieve their goals of implementing geographic information systems of various kinds in their operations, including web-based publication, spatial analysis, and many other methodologies
Virginia Tech Department of Geography
June 2014 - October 2014
Research Technician
Blacksburg, VA
Spatial epidemiological analysis on Lyme Disease infections and land cover change conditions in Southwestern Virginia using ArcGIS Desktop 10.2
Aerial photo interpretation
Seven-class NAIP conversion proportional analysis
Virginia Tech Department of Geography
August 2012 - June 2014
Graduate Teaching Assistant
Blacksburg, VA
GEOG 1004: Introduction to Human Geography
GEOG 4054: Geography of Wine
GEOG 4074/5074: Medical Geography
GEOG 4204: Geography of Resources
T&B Planning, PA Branch
May - August 2010
Intern, GIS Analyst
Murrysville, PA
Database development of PLANPGH's Pittsburgh Cultural Heritage Plan using Microsoft Excel and migrating into ArcGIS – Currently in use by the City of Pittsburgh
Original Data Sourcing and Editing – Compilation of historical and modern resources to identify locations and verify conflicting information
Ongoing Needs Assessments and Teleconferencing – Remote consultation via telephone, Skype and GoToMeeting