Digital Geographies Portfolio

-: Unfortunately this project and its constellation of services are no longer compatible and the link has been deactivated. An update will be created soon. :-

This project was the sample I created for the final portfolio in GEOG 258: Digital Geographies. After completing several web mapping projects over the quarter, students were required to embed and externally link those maps in a single-page website. This particular project is in fact my second crack at building a webpage from a very basic template. The first go was pretty rough... this one is too.

For this project, we published using Google My Maps, Google API web map publishing, and Carto. Beyond that, we were allowed to play, and play I did. This was an important step, and I was able to build a better understanding of structure and syntax. Things have certainly changed for the better. Perhaps most importantly, this project had been on my mind as I have been looking to publish a personal website. I had been relying on builder services to this point, but they are expensive and not always as pleasing to look at as I would like. Furthermore, embedding maps and other elements is not always smoooth. In the near future, I hope to embed a few more funky projects on this website.