Amy L. Orsborn
assistant professor
Motor learning in brain-machine interfaces
Developing tech to improve neural research throughput & making them widely available through improved communication & resource sharing
Reinforcement learning, animal behavior & cognition, systems neuroscience
NSERC postgrad fellow & UW CNC grad fellow
Neuroengineering, signal processing, and brain-computer interfaces
Neuroengineering, brain-computer interfaces, neural plasticity, learning & memory
NDSEG fellow
Neural dynamics of learning in brain-computer interfaces
Nakajima Foundation fellow
largescale network connectivity in brains, motor learning in brain-computer interfaces
Brain-machine interfaces, neural plasticity, neural encoding/decoding, optogenetics
UW Compuptational & Cognitive Neuroscience T32 Fellow
Sensorimotor learning, internal models, brain-machine interfaces
Motor learning in brain-computer interfaces
Learning and memory, neural plasticity, and brain-machine interfaces
Computational neuroscience, machine learning, neural decoding, brain-computer interfaces
Neuroengineering, Neuroplasticity and Neurodisorders
Lucas Beidler ECE undergrad researcher. September 2021 - June 2022
Caroline Johnson ECE undergrad researcher. September 2021 - December 2021
Pamel Kang ECE undergrad researcher & UWIN Innovation Fellow. April 2020 - December 2021
Tom McIlwain BioE undergrad researcher & UWIN Innovation Fellow. April 2019 - June 2020
Rachel Phuong CS undergrad researcher. April 2019 - September 2020
Seth Richards ECE undergrad researcher. April 2019 - May 2020
Dallas Warren ECE undergrad researcher. September 2018 - December 2019
Nicholas Thomas BioE BS-MS researcher & UWIN Innovation Fellow. September 2018 - September 2021
Gus Millevolte ECE MS researcher & NSF GRFP Fellow. 2019 - 2023