Welcome to Podcasting Experiment

Delta Shoulder


Podcasting Content Ideas





The amount of time and resources (provider hours, web editing hours, UWTV time and dollars) we are willing to invest, will determine/limit what we could potentially do.


There were several aspects about podcasting that weren't covered during our March meeting due the time constraints.


Audio vs. Video


Most (I'm speculating) of the iPodders (and MP3 users) out there don't have video capabilities on their portable devices and those that do may prefer to just listen to feeds while commuting (driving, biking, subways, etc).  Audio files are also generally smaller than Video and have far less compatibility issues (if using MP3 format).  Because of this, audiocasts have a lot of potential.  This is an extremely powerful media that should not be overlooked.


That said - there is nothing like video!  It can be quite powerful and is something that folks will want to see more of and pass on to others.  Items like PT demonstrations, surgery and facial expressions on patients as they show you what they can do pre and post op can only be done with video.


Videos may also be converted to audio, and published on an alternate podcast to allow non video folks to download the same presentation in a smaller format that they can listen to.  If they like it, they can download the video later or visit our website.



Single vs. Multiple podcasts


If we are creating enough content, we can have multiple podcasts.  This would help organize topics for users as well as broaden our footprint on the podcasting directories (a search for orthopedics will show several sites from the UW and a search for rehab will show a specific cast for rehab at the UW).


Separating content also helps organize material so that podcast subscribers get the content they want without the confusion that the mixing of multiple series would create.


Ideally, we should have at least one high quality video podcast (such as the UWTV series) and a good audio series.  We can also make a separate audio version of any video series we have to allow MP3 users access to that content.



Podcast Session Ideas


Make old UWTV files compatible with pods and release them at intervals - or all at once.


Bone Talks - A separate audiocast where folks talk about current events/trends/treatments/dx/etc in ortho.  These can be short or long.  For pts or providers or both.


Meet the staff - Each faculty page could have a video interview/bio/talk and all can be combined into a podcast for storage.  These can be very short.


Meet the Teams - Shoulder Team, Joint Team, etc.


Interview with the staff.  Staff member sits in chair and is asked questions about something Orthopaedics.  "Dr. Matsen, how does a patients know when they have a rotator cuff tear?"


Grand Rounds - These can be filmed with or without the UWTV and casted each month.


Rehab - non, pre and post surg - this would be difficult to market as an interesting subscription, but can be podcasted to allow for an alternate method of archiving information on the web and for easy downloading onto iPods.


How To's - How to cast a ____, How to splint a _____, How to treat a _____, How to Examine a _____, etc.


When to refer - Ankle series, Knee series, Shoulder series, etc.



Podcast Format


All podcasts should have an intro with a UW Ortho logo, a watermark throughout the film and end with a link to our site.  Audiocasts should also have a plug for our website at the end of each session.  The Orthop web master, myself and the UWTV will determine the best electronic format to use, with compatibility and usability in mind.


Again - the limiting factor I see here is -  getting folks to do the cast and the cost (manpower/hardware/software vs. UWTV) of filming/recording/editing them.