Course textbook :

  • Radiation Detection and Measurement, by Glenn F. Knoll (4th edition or older is fine).

  • Lecture Instructor's Comments

    Welcome to PHYS 575. This is a class on Radiation: Sources, Detection, Imaging and Safety. Students will learn some basic concepts on nuclear physics; the processes that can produce radioactivity and to recognize dangerous versus safe environments; practical experience with high-resolution photon detectors; the basics of particle accelerators and practical experience with our own tadem accelerator; the basics of Ratherford scattering and how it can be used to identify minute amounts of contaminants; the basics of the functioning of nuclear reactors; and some concepts on nuclear astrophysics.
    I hope you find this course stimulating and interesting.

    I will expect you to read the material that will be covered in a class ahead of time. I expect students to ask on average one question per class. Students will ask the question during lecture and will then send an electronic note to the instructor to register the question. The questions will be posted by the instructor anonymously but so that others may have a reminder of what issues were considered.

    Grading Policy

    Grading of lab practices reports done using the follwing grid:
    Presentation: 10 Points
    Practice procedure description and
    answering practice-guide questions:
    20 Points
    Data: 10 Points
    Analysis: 10 Points
    Conclusions: 10 Points

    The final course grade is based on a paper that students will write, on the lab practices and quizzes grades, and on class participation using the grid:
    Practice reports and quizzes: 20 Points
    Paper: 20 Points
    Class participation: 10 Points