Lectures will take place in room 178 at the North Physics Laboratory (Look it up on campus maps). Most of the lectures will occur on Tuesdays at 6:30PM each week. However, on many occasions we will also meet on Thursdays to make sure we cover the material or get lab practice.
date       lecture readings instructor Lab
Sep. 25th The atomic nucleus. Basic nuclear physics. Nuclear energy. Orders of magnitudes. Week 1 Garcia None
Oct. 2nd Attenuation of photon radiation. Solid state detectors. Ge and Si. Week 2 Garcia/Dodson Lab: Ge detectors; Deciphering the gamma mystery spectrum. Group A: Tuesday; Group B: Thursday.
Oct. 9th Ranges of ions and electrons. Radioactivity and radiation damage and health risks: Alpha, beta, gamma activity and neutrons. Week 3 Garcia/Dodson Lab: radiation detectors; photons, electrons, alpha, neutrons. Altogether on Tuesday.
Oct. 16th Tuesday: Counting statistics. Thursday: CENPA tour. Week 4 Garcia CENPA tour: altogether on Thursday.
Oct. 23th Functioning of accelerators. Tuning beam through our own accelerator. Week 5 Dodson Accelerator I. Group A: Tuesday; Group B: Thursday.
Oct. 30st Rutherford scattering. Deciphering the mystery spectrum and the contents of the mystery foil. Week 6 Garcia/Dodson Lab group A: Rutherford scattering, Thursday 6:30-9:00PM
Nov. 4th Fission and fusion. The functionning of reactors.
Rutherford scattering lab session for group B. Deadline for paper subject decision
Week 7

Garcia/Dodson Lab group B: Rutherford scattering, Thursday 6:30-9:00PM.
Nov. 11th Week 8 Boeing visit: Meet Thursday at 6:45PM at Boeing. Map
Nov. 18th Nuclear resonances. Nuclear astrophysics: nucleosythesis in stars.
Week 9 Garcia/Dodson Thursday: Thanksgiving day.
Nov. 25th Basics of Shell Model. Approximate predictions using simple models. Using quantum numbers and predicting decay rates. Week 10 Garcia/Dodson Lab group A: (p,g) nuclear resonance. Thursday 6:30-9:00PM.
Dec. 2nd Lecture on 6He laser trapping on Tuesday. Group B lab on Thursday. Week 11 Garcia/Dodson Lab group B: (p,g) nuclear resonance. Tuesday 6:30-9:00PM.
Dec. 9th Deadline for paper: Dec. 11th