ESRM 210

Introduction to Soils

October 3, 2007


Soil color


Munsell Soil Color Chart: Color (page) 5YR

Distribution of primary and secondary Minerals in relation to soil components



Soil texture triangle

What are the textural classes of the following:

sand 40, silt 40, clay 20

sand 60, silt 30, clay 10

sand 40, silt 30, clay 30

Answers Below

Soil textural Classes

Sandy soils: greater than or equal to 70% sand

Clayey soils: greater than or equal to 35% clay


sand 40, silt 40, clay 20 = Loam

sand 60, silt 30, clay 10 = Sandy Loam

sand 40, silt 30, clay 30 = Clay Loam

Flow Chart for Hand Texturing Method
Hand Texturing

Soil Structure
Soil Structure