Director, Disaster Data Science Lab
Deputy Director, Center for Disaster Resilient Communities
Associate Professor, Industrial & Systems Engineering
University of Washington
Pronoun: he/him/his. Last name pronunciation: CHO-eh.

About me. I’m a data scientist with core expertise in computational statistics. My research commonly tackles challenges at the intersection of advanced computation and large-scale data, motivated by real-world problems in disaster management. These challenges provide me with opportunities to innovate in data science and collaborate broadly with researchers (e.g., in social and natural sciences, technology, engineering, and mathematics), practitioners, and other partners, including traditionally underserved communities. My research innovation commonly involves computational modeling using simulation, statistical, or machine learning approaches, large-scale computational experiments using high-performance computing, and large-scale data analysis. I value the privilege of working with students on diverse research projects and prioritize fostering their career development. The majority of the students I worked with decided to accept jobs in technology companies, such as fast-growing startups in Seattle (e.g., AstrumU, Wyze Labs), Amazon, Indeed, Meta, Microsoft, SpaceX, Tesla, and Uber. Some of the students found their calling in teaching at a secondary or higher education institution. Others went on to further studies in data science or related fields at various institutions, such as Columbia University, Harvard University, New York University, UC Berkeley, UC Santa Barbara, UC San Diego, University of Pennsylvania, and University of Washington. I welcome opportunities to meet new students and potential collaborators. Feel free to email me at for a conversation.