
GIGI-Pick is a computer program that facilitates the evaluation and comparison of subject selection choices in sequencing studies in pedigrees. This program uses a "coverage" as one metric to naturally relate pedigree-based genotype imputation to subject selection. This metric enables the use of inferred inheritance vectors (IVs) to optimize imputation of alleles in candidate regions when such information is available. Our approach can incorporate information about IVs to guide subject selection for sequencing. If a candidate region is not available, a variant of this metric may be used to optimize selection genome-wide.


Disclaimer and future directions

Feburary 10, 2014 - We are still performing quality checks on the program. If there are additional changes, the updates will be posted here.


The latest version of GIGI-Pick, along with example files, is available here (current version: 0.91).      [documentation].
Please use GIGI-Pick version 0.91 or later. The program is written in C++ and runs on Linux machines.


Developer and maintainer: Charles Y K Cheung -

last updated: February 7, 2014