Selected Publications
- Pietsch, T. W., and W. D. Anderson, Jr. In Press. Ichthyopedia: A Biographical Dictionary of Ichthyologists. American Philosophical Society, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 765 ms pp., 255 figs.
- Pietsch, T. W., and B. Marx. 2021. Charles Plumier's (1646-1704) Vespertilio maximus ex insula Sancti Vincentii: A Previously Unpublished Description and Drawings of the Greater Bulldog Bat, Noctilio leporinus (Linnaeus, 1758). Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington, 134 (1): 29-41.
- Pietsch, T. W., and A. R. Kabat. 2021. "In Order to Study Conchology": Andrew Garrett (1823-1887) and His 1859 Expedition to the Kingsmill Islands (Kiribati). Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, 163 (1): 1-45.
- Pietsch, T. W. (editor). 2020. Georges Cuvier's Historical Portrait of the Progress of Ichthyology, from Its Origins to Our Own Time. Second edition, revised and enlarged, edited and annotated by T. W. Pietsch, translated from the French by A. J. Simpson. Publications Scientifiques du Muséum, Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, Paris.
- Pietsch, T. W., and R. J. Arnold. 2020. Frogfishes: Biodiversity, Zoogeography, and Behavioral Ecology. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, Maryland, 601 pp., 346 figs., 24 tables.
- Pietsch, T. W., and J. W. Orr. 2019. Fishes of the Salish Sea: Puget Sound and the Straits of Georgia and Juan de Fuca, illustrated by Joseph R. Tomelleri. University of Washington Press, Seattle, Vol. 1, pp. i-xi + 1-216; Vol. 2, pp. i-vi + 217-648, pls. 1-81; Vol. 3, pp. i-vi + 649-1048, pls. 82-155.
- Pietsch, T. W. 2018. Cuvier's History of the Natural Sciences: Twenty Lessons from the First Half of the Eighteenth Century [the third of Georges Cuvier's five-volume Histoire des Sciences Naturelles, depuis leur Origine jusqu'a nos Jours, originally published in French from 1841 to 1845]. Edited and annotated by T. W. Pietsch, translated by Fanja Andriamialisoa. Publications Scientifiques du Muséum, Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, 723 ms pp., 38 figs.
- Pietsch, T. W., and R. J. Arnold. 2017. The "Lembeh Frogfish" Identified: Redescription of Nudiantennarius subteres (Smith and Radcliffe, in Radcliffe, 1912) (Teleostei: Lophiiformes: Antennariidae). Copeia, 2017(4):659–665, cover photo.
- Pietsch, T. W. 2017. Charles Plumier (1646–1704) and His Drawings of French and Caribbean Fishes [Charles Plumier (1646-1704) et Ses Dessins de Poissons de France et des Antilles]. Publications Scientifiques du Muséum, Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris, 408 pp., 46 figs., 121 pls.
- Pietsch, T. W. (editor). 2015. Cuvier’s History of the Natural Sciences: Nineteen Lessons from the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries [the second of Georges Cuvier’s five-volume Histoire des Sciences Naturelles, depuis leur Origine jusqu’a nos Jours, originally published in French from 1841 to 1845]. Edited and annotated by T. W. Pietsch, translated by B. D. Marx. Collection Archives, 20, Publications Scientifiques du Muséum, Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris, 859 pp., 42 figs.
- Pietsch, T. W., and J. W. Orr. 2015. Fishes of the Salish Sea: A Compilation and Distributional Analysis. NOAA Professional Paper NMFS 18, U.S. Department of Commerce, 106 pp., 2 figs., 8 color pls., doi:10.7755/PP.18.
- Pietsch, T. W., and H. Aili. 2014. Jacob Theodor Klein (1685-1759) and His Petri Artedi operum brevis recensio: A Previously Unknown Critique of Peter Artedi’s (1705-1735) Ichthyologia sive opera omnia de piscibus, Wishoff, Leiden, 1738. Svenska Linné-sällskapets Årsskrift, Uppsala, 2014:39–84.
- Pietsch, T. W. 2012. Trees of Life: A Visual History of Evolution, Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, xi + 358 pp., 230 figs. [published April 2012, second printing August 2012, paperback edition May 2013].
- Pietsch, T. W. (editor). 2012. Cuvier’s History of the Natural Sciences: Twenty-four Lessons from Antiquity to the Renaissance [the first of Georges Cuvier’s five-volume Histoire des Sciences Naturelles, depuis leur Origine jusqu’a nos Jours, originally published in French from 1841 to 1845]. Edited and annotated by T. W. Pietsch, translated by A. J. Simpson. Collection Archives, 16, Publications Scientifiques du Muséum, Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris, 734 pp., 40 figs.
- Pietsch, T. W. 2010. The Curious Death of Peter Artedi: A Mystery in the History of Science. Scott & Nix, New York, x + 222 pp. [published December 2010, second printing January 2011].
- Carnevale, G., and T. W. Pietsch. 2010. Eocene Handfishes from Monte Bolca, with Description of a New Genus and Species, and a Phylogeny of the Family Brachionichthyidae (Teleostei: Lophiiformes). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 160(4):621–647.
- Pietsch, T. W. 2010. Samuel Fallours: Tropical Fishes of the East Indies—Poissons tropicaux des Indes orientales—Tropische Fische Ostindiens. Edited by Petra LamersSchutze, Taschen GmbH, Köln, Germany, 100 pp., 36 + 9 figs., 101 color pls.
- Pietsch, T. W. 2009. Oceanic Anglerfishes: Extraordinary Diversity in the Deep-sea. University of California Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles, xii + 557 pp., 310 figs.
- Pietsch, T. W., R. J. Arnold, and D. J. Hall. 2009. A Bizarre New Species of Frogfish of the Genus Histiophryne (Lophiiformes: Antennariidae) from Ambon and Bali, Indonesia. Copeia, 2009(1):37–45.
- Pietsch, T. W. 2008. A Mermaid in the Tub: A Specimen of MvB Sirenne, a New Family of Type-Faces by Alan Greene, Inspired by Engraved Letterforms in a Rare Book. Mark van Bronkhorst and E. M. Ginger, editors, MvB Fonts, Albany, California, 36 pp.
- Pietsch, T. W., and J. W. Orr. 2007. Phylogenetic Relationships of Deep-sea Anglerfishes of the Suborder Ceratioidei (Teleostei: Lophiiformes) Based on Morphology. Copeia, 2007(1):1–34.
- Pietsch, T. W. 2005. Dimorphism, Parasitism, and Sex Revisited: Modes of Reproduction Among Deep-Sea Ceratioid Anglerfishes (Teleostei: Lophiiformes). Ichthyological Research, 52(3):207–236.