Newton's Method

We've discussed two methods for solving $f(x) = 0$:

  1. The bisection method.
  2. Fixed-point iteration applied to $g(x) = x-f(x)$.

Method 1 is guaranteed to work, and method 2 is simpler (and can converge faster) but it can fail. We now give yet another method that is more robust than method 2 (not as robust as method 1) and converges faster than both methods.

The method is called Newton's method.

We are trying to find $p$ such that $f(p) = 0$. ~Assume $f \in C^2[a,b]$ and that $p^*$ is close to $p$. We use Taylor's theorem to find that for some $\xi(p^*)$

$$ f(p) = f(p^*) + f'(p^*)(p-p^*) + \frac{f''(\xi(p^*))}{2} (p-p^*)^2. $$

We know that $f(p) = 0$:

$$ 0 = f(p^*) + f'(p^*)(p-p^*) + E(p,p^*), \quad E(p,p^*) = \frac{f''(\xi(p^*))}{2} (p-p^*)^2.$$

Assuming that $E(p,p^*)$ is very small ($p$ and $p^*$ are close), we solve for the root $p$.

$$ 0 = f(p^*) + f'(p^*)(p-p^*) + E(p,p^*)\\ -f(p^*) - E(p,p^*) = f'(p^*)(p-p^*)\\ -\frac{f(p^*)}{f'(p^*)} - \frac{E(p,p^*)}{f'(p^*)} = p - p^*\\ p = p ^* -\frac{f(p^*)}{f'(p^*)} - \frac{E(p,p^*)}{f'(p^*)}\\ p \approx p ^* -\frac{f(p^*)}{f'(p^*)}$$

This last relation gives the Newton iteration.


Given an initial guess $p_0\in [a,b]$ for a root of $f(x) \in C^1[a,b]$, the Newton iteration is given by

$$ p_n = p_{n-1} - \frac{f(p_{n-1})}{f'(p_{n-1})}.$$

Geometrically, the Newton iteration first approximates $f(x)$ by its tangent line approximation at $x = p_{n-1}$, given by

$$ f(x) \approx L(x) = f(p_{n-1}) + f'(p_{n-1})(x - p_{n-1}). $$

Then to approximate a root of $f(x)$, the $x$-intercept of the tangent line is computed $L(p_n) = 0$.

Now, let's compare Newton's method with fixed-point iteration. Suppose we want to solve

$$ f(x) = x - \cos x = 0.$$
In [21]:
g = @(x) cos(x);
f = @(x) x - cos(x);
df = @(x) 1 + sin(x);
a = .2; % initial guess
for i = 1:100;
    a = g(a);
exact = a;
a = .2;
a = g(a);
a = g(a);
fprintf('Error from fixed-point iteration %0.5e \n',abs(a-exact))

a = .2;
a = a - f(a)/df(a);
a = a - f(a)/df(a);
fprintf('Error from Newton iteration %0.5e \n',abs(a-exact))
Error from fixed-point iteration 1.82118e-01 
Error from Newton iteration 2.44506e-03

Theorem (Convergence of Newton's method)

Let $f \in C^2[a,b]$. If $p \in [a,b]$ is such that $f(p) = 0$ and $f'(p) \neq 0$, then there exists $\delta > 0$ such that Newton's method generates a sequence $\{p_n\}_{n=1}^\infty$ that converges to $p$ if $p_0 \in [p-\delta, p + \delta]$.


Note that if $f(p) = 0$, so that $p$ is a fixed point of the Newton iteration

$$ p = p - \frac{f(p)}{f'(p)}.$$

So for $\displaystyle g(x) = x - \frac{f(p)}{f'(p)}$, one has to use the hypotheses of the theorem to show $g(x)$ satisfies the convergence criteria for fixed-point iteration. This is not trivial!


Suppose $g \in C^1[a,b]$ and $g(p) = p$ for $p \in (a,b)$. Assume further that $|g'(p)| = P < 1$. Then there exists $\delta > 0$, such that $g(x) \in [p-\delta,p + \delta]$ for $x \in [p-\delta, p+\delta]$ and $|g'(x)| \leq K < 1$.


We establish the last claim first. Because $|g'(x)|$ is continuous: For $\epsilon = (1-P)/2$ there exists $\delta> 0$ such that

$$||g'(x)| - P| \leq \epsilon \text{ for } |x-p|\leq \delta.$$

Thus for $x \in [p-\delta,p+\delta]$,

$$P - (1-P)/2 \leq |g'(x)| \leq P + (1-P)/2,$$


$$|g'(x)| \leq P + (1-P)/2 = (1+P)/2 < 1.$$

We then use Taylor's theorem which states for some $\xi(p)$

$$ g(x) = g(p) + g'(\xi(p))(x-p).$$


$$ |g(x)-g(p)| \leq |g'(\xi(p)| |x-p| \leq \frac{(1+P)}{2} |x-p| < \delta, ~\text{ for }~ |x-p| \leq \delta. $$

Since $g(p) = p$, for $x \in [p-\delta,p+\delta]$ we have $|g(x) - p| < \delta$ or $g(x) \in [p-\delta,p+\delta]$.

This Proposition states that if a continuously differentiable function has a fixed-point and the derivative at the fixed point is less than one (in abs. value), the the fixed-point is unique and fixed-point iteration converges (on a small enough interval).

And so, to prove convergence of Newton's method we need to show that the function

$$g(x) = x - f(x)/f'(x)$$

has a derivative that is less than zero at $x = p$. Indeed,

$$g'(x) = 1 - \frac{[f'(x)]^2 - f(x)f''(x)}{[f'(x)]^2} = \frac{f(x)f''(x)}{[f'(x)]^2}.$$

Since $f(p) = 0$, $g'(p) = 0$.


Suppose $\{g_n\}_{n=1}^\infty$ are the iterates of Newton's method, $f(p) = 0$ and $f'(p) \neq 0$. Then for $p_0$ sufficiently close to $p$ (a good enough guess), for any fixed $0 < K < 1$

$$p_n = p + O(K^n).$$

Note: For fixed-point iteration we have $p_n = p + O(K^n)$ for a fixed $K > 0$. Since this holds for any $K$, convergence is much faster for Newton's method.

A complication of Newton's method that often comes up in practice is that you need to know how to compute $f'(x)$. This can be not practical in some cases and tedious in others. The secant method and the method of false position can be seen as modifications of Newton's method that remedy this. We will not focus too much attention on these other methods.

Newton's method also has a generalization to higher dimensions to solve, for example, $f(x,y) = 0$. Then the division by $f'(p_n)$ is replaced by the inversion of the Jacobian. We will discuss this later in the course if time permits.

In [77]:
hold off
f = @(x) x-cos(3*x); df = @(x) 1+3*sin(3*x);
x = linspace(0,1,100);
plot(x,f(x)); hold on; plot(x,0*x,'k');
axis([0 1 -1 2])
p = .05;
plot(p,0,'ro','MarkerFaceColor','r'); plot(p,f(p),'ko','MarkerFaceColor','k');
for i = 1:2
    l = @(x) f(p) + df(p)*(x-p);
    p = p - f(p)/df(p);
    plot(p,f(p),'ko','MarkerFaceColor','k'); plot(p,0,'ro','MarkerFaceColor','r');
In [ ]: