Saturday, Climbing Up

Setting Out, Saturday Morning

We set out Saturday morning at about 9 a.m. Mike Mercer on mountaineering skis.

The group climbing to the "Lunch Counter"

Tom leads the group as we climb towards the "Lunch Counter" a level area at about 9000 feet.

Scott on Lunch Counter

Scott resting on the "Lunch Counter" before tackling the climb up the False Summit. The dots above his right shoulder are climbers about half way up the slope.


Tom on a break

Tom (wearing hat and sitting) on a break climbing up to the False Summit. Brad Cilley takes a drink to his left.


Tom resting on ski poles

Tom resting on his ski poles on the long steep climb to the false summit.


Tom sets out again

Tom sets out after his break on the long steep climb.

Proceed to the summit

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