CS 6724 - Social Computing Capstone
Spring 2018
iPython/Jupyter Notebooks:
- A Gallery of Interesting iPython Notebooks
- Collection of Data Science Notebooks
- Notebooks for the book: Python for Data Analysis
- pandas overview from Data School, including an associated video series
Fetching social media data
- tweepy for accessing Twitter API
- PRAW: Python Reddit API Wrapper
- Scrapy and Beautiful Soup for crawling and scraping data
- Newspaper for scraping and curating articles
Visualization resources
- The Visual Display of Quantitative Information by Tufte
- Visualizations using python Seaborn
- Plotting using python Plotly, R ggplot
- Visualization using D3 and D3 tutorial
Essential Libraries (some of which we have covered briefly in class)
- Python Data Analysis Library pandas
- scikit-learn - Machine Learning in Python
- Numpy and Scipy
- spaCy for deep learning, text processing, POS tagging, entity recognition
- spacy for word2vec family of algorithms and semantic similarities
- nltk for language analysis
- Stanford NER (demoed in class)
Helpful Blogs
- Text Analytics - Sense2vec with spaCy and Gensim
- Semantic Analysis of the Reddit Hivemind
- Facebook Data Science Blog
- FiveThirtyEight
- Storytelling with data
- Lots of great projects done by Google’s Jigsaw, an incubator within Alphabet
- BotSpot articles by Digital Forensic Research Lab