
I am aware that most students would love to have copies of my PowerPoint slides on this website as it would make it easier to take notes and review for exams. However, I do not publish my PowerPoint presentations for several reasons:

1) I use the presentations, which I try to make as imaginative as possible, as an incentive to attend class. If you can only see the presentation in class, you have a greater incentive to attend and attending class is one of the best ways to learn course material. I pride myself on maintaining high levels of attendance throughout the term. See my Helpful Hint on this topic.

2) Taking notes in class should be an intellectual activity. Taking notes means making choices. You need to determine what is important and what isn't. You shouldn't be writing down everything the professor says, only what you consider to be important. The importance of a topic may be emphasized in the oral presentation of the material. Looking solely at the PowerPoint notes might give you the impression that everything is important. Again, consult my Helpful Hint handout on taking notes.

3) My slides are often "misleading." I like to play tricks with the presentation that lead students down one path of discovery only to find out that another answer is correct. I believe that such chicanery actually keeps students intellectually engaged in the class. You never know what I will do or say next. That keeps you guessing and, hence, thinking. Additionally, I put in lots of surprises and jokes that can only be understood if you are in the class. If you just looked at my presentation notes, you would miss much of the irony and sarcasm (and just think I am plain crazy).

4) I work hard to create entertaining and educational presentations. (Yes, despite popular perception, I actually do educate students. In fact, by creating imaginative presentations, I believe that I can teach students much more difficult material.) I am not keen on sharing my hard work with the rest of the world. In other words, I believe in intellectual property rights (i.e., I'm selfish and don't play well with others). Consult Metallica for details.

5) The slides take up a great deal of space (due to animations, clip art and photos). I guess I could turn off the animations, but that ain't gonna happen. OK?