Instructor: Tai-Chang Chen

Office: CSE (PAC) 238

Office hours: Tuesday09-11:30am & 1-2pm

TAs: Yonbo Liu; emial:

Mayoore Jaiswal; email:




Welcome to EE 235


Course objectives:
This course introduces undergraduate students to continuous time signals and systems, which is the starting point for work on signal processing, communications and control. Students who complete this course should gain:

  • an understanding of basic theory of continuous-time signals and systems, particularly linear time-invariant systems;
  • an intuitive understanding of system properties and how to test for these properties;
  • the ability to translate between different types of system descriptions, including input-output equations, Laplace transforms, and Fourier transforms;
  • insights into the relationship between time and frequency domains, and into which domains (time, frequency, etc) are most convenient for different types of problems; and
  • familiarity with MATLAB.









WEEK 11 (06/10 - 06/12):

Final exam:
•06/11, Tuesday from 2:30-4:20pm
•No electronic devices allowed
• 5 pages of handwriting notes allowed

Covers all the materials of the quarter


•Chapter 1: transformation of t, types of CT signals, key CT signals; properties of CT systems.
•Chapter 2: CT convolution & LCCDE
•Chapter 3: CTFS; analysis & synthesis, transfer function
•Chapter 4: CTFT, properties of FT, table of CTFT
•Chapter 6: Magnitude & phase of FT, filters
•Chapter 7: Sampling theorem, reconstruction & aliasing
•Chapter 9: Laplace-transform with ROCs, pole-zero plot, ROC, stability, causality, & LCCDE.






Course Syllabus

Course Syllabus