Formulas for Estimating the Slope

  We first present and explain the conceptual formula for the slope. Then we derive other equivalent forms for the slope that might be more useful for performing calculations. Finally, we show there there is a close relationship between the slope and the correlation coefficient.

Conceptual Formula for Slope

Each observation votes for the slope. The best-fitting line must go through the mean for both variables, so the best slope for any observation is a line passing through both the observation's point and the point defined by the two means. That is, each observation's vote is

We are more confident in the slopes estimated by points far from the mean of X. It turns out that our confidence is proportional to the squared distance of the observation from the mean of X in the horizontal direction. That is, each observation's weight is proportional to:

Dividing this term by the sum of all the squared distances ensures that the average weight will be 1/n. These weights, which must sum to 1, are equal to:

The best estimate of the slope is not the simple average of all the slope votes, but rather the weighted average. That is, the best estimate of the slope is

The first term in brackets is each observation's weight, based on its squared distance from the mean of X, and the second term in brackets is each observation's vote for the best slope.

Alternative Formulas for Calculating the Slope

While the formula above for the slope is conceptual, it is also somewhat unwieldy. A few derivations will produce formulas expressed in more convenient terms. Start with the conceptual expression for the slope:

Cancelling the term

from the numerator of the weight and the denominator of the slope gives the somewhat simpler expression:

Dividing both the numerator and denominator in this expression by (n-1) yields

However, the numerator is now by definition the covariance and the denominator is the variance of X; so, the formula for the slope reduces to the simple expression:

That is, the best estimate of the slope is simply the covariance between X and Y divided by the variance of X.

Relationship to Correlation

The correlation coefficient was also expressed in similar terms as

which suggests there is a close relationship between the slope and the correlation coefficient. Indeed, start with the covariance and variance expression for the slope:

and then multiply both the numerator and denomiator by the the standard deviation of Y to get:

In other words, the slope equals the correlation multipled by the ratio of the two standard deviations. If the correlation coefficient and the two standard deviations have already been calculated, this is a very easy formula for calculating the slope. It is also easy to turn this expression around to calculate the correlation coefficient if the slope and the standard deviations are known. That is,


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=MIDDLE>37.6 37.2 40.4 44.8 42.8 45.2

Move the line up and down by dragging the box or change the slope by clicking and dragging anywhere else so that the line represents all the observations. Try to place the line so that it is closest to all the observations.

Based on your line, do you think there is a positive, negative, or no relationship between SqFt and Market?

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DeVore (1995) presents the following example on p. 475:

The paper "A Study of Stainless Steel Stress-Corrosion Cracking by Potential Measurements" (Corrosion, 1962, pp. 425-432) reports on the relationship between applied stress (in kg/sq mm) and time to fracture (in hours) for 18-8 stainless steel under uni-axial tensile stress in a 40% CaCl2 solution at 100C. Ten different settings of applied stress were used, and the resulting data values (as read from a graph which appeared in the paper) were:

Test 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Stress 2.5 5 10 15 17.5 20 25 30 35 40
FailTime 63 58 55 61 62 37 38 45 46 19

Move the line up and down by dragging the box or change the slope by clicking and dragging anywhere else so that the line represents all the observations. Try to place the line so that it is closest to all the observations.

Based on your line, do you think there is a positive, negative, or no relationship between Stress and FailTime?

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Ott (1993) presents this example on p. 452: Fifteen male volunteers ate a low-cholesterol diet for four weeks. Below are the ages and the reduction in cholesterol (in mg per 100 ml of blood serum) for each participant:
Participant 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Age 45 43 46 49 50 37 34 30 31 26 22 58 60 52 27
Reduce 30 52 45 38 62 55 25 30 40 17 28 44 61 58 45

Move the line up and down by dragging the box or change the slope by clicking and dragging anywhere else so that the line represents all the observations. Try to place the line so that it is closest to all the observations.

Based on your line, do you think there is a positive, negative, or no relationship between Age and Reduce?

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a dieter's age and the amount of cholesterol reduced?

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© 1999, Duxbury Press.