Monday, October 14

Marxist Approaches

Karl Marx, Pre-capitalist Economic Formations,pages 68-120.
Friedrich Engels, The Origin of the Family, Private Property, and the State, "Stages of Prehistoric Culture" and "The Family"
Marvin Harris, The Rise of Anthropological Theory, "Dialectical Materialism"

Post your thoughts on either or both of the following questions:

1. Is, as Harris maintains, the dialectic an unnecessary encumbrance to materialism, a "Hegelian gorilla"?

2. Is Marxism fundamentally different from other 19th-century schemes of general evolution? If so, in what way? If not, why not, despite the insistence of Marxists that it is?

In class:
First hour: Discuss further the answers to the questions on your postings.

Second hour: Discuss the question of whether and why Marxist analytical methods were bound to lead to the phenomena of 20th-century socialism.

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