Meagan is a senior Biology undergraduate research in the Sisneros lab
at the University of Washington. She joined the Sisneros Lab in the Fall
of 2009.
Meagan is interested in the energetics and metabolic
costs of advertisement call production by the type I or "nesting"
male plainfin midshipman fish. Type I males produce advertisement calls
or "hums" during the summer breeding season by rapidly contracting
their sonic muscles that are attached to the swimbladder. These seasonal
mating signals are presumably very expensive metabolically to produce.
Meagan plans to examine the metabolic costs that are associated with the
production of this expensive adversitement signal by measuring the oxygen
consumption rate of type I males during vocal production. In addition,
she plans to access the basal metabolic rates of male and female midshipman
during the winter (non-reproductive) and summer (reproductive) seasons.
In her future research, she plans to investigate the metabolic costs associated
with specific acoustic attributes of the male's advertisement call to
determine if such signals are condition dependent and related to female
mate choice.