David received a BS in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Illinois
at Urbana-Champaign (1990) and a PhD in Neuroscience from Northwestern
University (2001). He was a Post-doctoral Associate in the lab of Dr Richard
Fay at the Parmly Hearing Institute at Loyola University of Chicago from
2001 to 2003 and a Research Associate in the lab of Arthur Popper at the
University of Maryland from 2004 to 2008. David was a staff scientist
and engineer at Marine Acoustics Inc from 2008 to 2011 before becoming
a senior scientist at JASCO Applied Sciences in 2011. He has been a NSFco-investigator
(2006-present) and collaborator with Sisneros and his lab since 2003.
David's research
interests are diverse ranging from sensory neurobiology to physical acoustics
and from computional modeling and signal processing to instrumentation.
He is active in a number of research projects including a NSF funded project
directed at exploring how fish use sound to understand and navigate their
environment. As a staff scientist/engineer he provides environmental risk
assessment for marine operations, including sonar, seismic exploration,
and construction and operation of alternative energy devices.
Bhandiwad AA,
Whitchurch EA, Colleye O, Zeddies DG, and JA Sisneros. 2017.
Seasonal plasticity of auditory saccular sensitivity in "sneaker"
type II male plainfin midshipman fish, Porichthys notatus. Journal
of Comparative Physiology A 203:211-222.
Coffin AB*, Zeddies
DG*, Fay RR, Brown AD, Alderks PW, Bhandiwad AA, Mohr RA, Gray MD, Rogers
PH and JA Sisneros. 2014. Use of the swim bladder and lateral line in
near-field sound source localization by fishes. Journal of Experimental
Biology 217:2078-2088.
Bhandiwad AA, Zeddies
DG, Raible DW, Rubel EW and JA Sisneros. 2013. Auditory sensitivity of
larval zebrafish (Danio rerio) measured using a behavioral prepulse
inhibition assay. Journal of Experimental Biology 216:3504-3513.
Zeddies DG, Fay RR,
Gray MD, Alderks PW, Acob A, and JA Sisneros, J.A. 2012. Local acoustic
particle motion guides sound source localization behavior in the plainfin
midshipman fish (Porichthys notatus). Journal of Experimental Biology
Zeddies DG, Fay RR, and JA Sisneros 2011. Sound Source Localization
and Directional Hearing in Fishes. In Farrell, AP (ed.), Encyclopedia
of Fish Physiology: From Genome to Environment, volume 1, pp. 298-303.
San Diego: Academic Press.
Zeddies DG, Fay RR,
Alderks PW, Shaub KS, and JA Sisneros. 2010. Sound source localization
by the plainfin midshipman fish, Porichthys notatus. Journal of
the Acoustical Society of America 127:3104-3113.
* Denotes equal contribution
as co-first authors