WARPXM v1.10.0
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Member wxm::spline::eval_spline2d (const std::vector< real > &tx, const std::vector< real > &ty, const int nx, const int ny, const std::vector< real > &c, const int kx, const int ky, std::vector< real > &lx, std::vector< real > &ly, std::vector< real > &hx, std::vector< real > &hy, std::vector< std::vector< real > > &wx, std::vector< std::vector< real > > &wy, const int mx, const int my, const std::vector< real > &x, const std::vector< real > &y, std::vector< std::vector< real > > &SplineValue2D)
Check data before starting computations. If the input data are invalid, control is immediately repassed to the calling program.