WARPXM v1.10.0
No Matches
WxSplitRange< ID_type > Member List

This is the complete list of members for WxSplitRange< ID_type >, including all inherited members.

addDimension(int lowerPoint, int upperPoint)WxSplitRange< ID_type >inline
cell_to_node_center() constWxSplitRange< ID_type >inline
empty_range_t typedefWxSplitRange< ID_type >
getAssignedSubRangeIDs() constWxSplitRange< ID_type >inline
getGlobalRange() constWxSplitRange< ID_type >inline
getLowerPoints(int dim) constWxSplitRange< ID_type >inline
getRange(const ID_type &id) constWxSplitRange< ID_type >inline
getUpperPoints(int dim) constWxSplitRange< ID_type >inline
ndims() constWxSplitRange< ID_type >inline
numRanges() constWxSplitRange< ID_type >inline
stretchDimension(int dim, unsigned int stretchFactor)WxSplitRange< ID_type >inline
SubRangesAssigned_C_ordering_t typedefWxSplitRange< ID_type >
WxSplitRange(const WxRange &range, const std::list< ID_type > &id_list)WxSplitRange< ID_type >inline
~WxSplitRange()WxSplitRange< ID_type >inlinevirtual