WARPXM v1.10.0
No Matches
WxMsgBase Member List

This is the complete list of members for WxMsgBase, including all inherited members.

addMsg(WxMsgTmpl< T > *b)WxMsgBaseinlineprotected
allReduce(unsigned num, T *sendBuff, T *recvBuff, MPI_Op op) constWxMsgBaseinline
allReduce(std::vector< T > sendBuff, MPI_Op op) constWxMsgBaseinline
barrier() const =0WxMsgBasepure virtual
broadcast(unsigned num, T *buffer, int root) constWxMsgBaseinline
checkRecv(WxMsgStatus ms) const =0WxMsgBasepure virtual
createSubComm(const std::vector< int > &ranks)=0WxMsgBasepure virtual
finishRecv(WxMsgStatus ms) const =0WxMsgBasepure virtual
finishSend(WxMsgStatus ms) const =0WxMsgBasepure virtual
numProcs() const =0WxMsgBasepure virtual
parent() constWxMsgBaseinline
rank() const =0WxMsgBasepure virtual
recv(int num, std::vector< T > &array, unsigned sendRank, int tag=-1) constWxMsgBaseinline
recv(unsigned num, T *array, unsigned sendRank, int tag=-1) constWxMsgBaseinline
send(const std::vector< T > &array, unsigned recvRank, int tag=-1) constWxMsgBaseinline
send(unsigned num, const T *array, unsigned recvRank, int tag=-1) constWxMsgBaseinline
splitComm(int color, int order)=0WxMsgBasepure virtual
startRecv(unsigned num, unsigned sendRank, int tag=-1) constWxMsgBaseinline
startRecv(unsigned num, T *arr, unsigned sendRank, int tag=-1) constWxMsgBaseinline
startRecv(std::vector< T > &vec, unsigned sendRank, int tag=-1) constWxMsgBaseinline
startSend(const std::vector< T > &vec, unsigned recvRank, int tag=-1) constWxMsgBaseinline
startSend(unsigned num, const T *arr, unsigned recvRank, int tag=-1) constWxMsgBaseinline
WxMsgBase(int sendTag=0, int recvTag=0, WxMsgBase *parent=0)WxMsgBaseinlineprotected
WxMsgTypeMap_t typedefWxMsgBase