WARPXM v1.10.0
No Matches
WxMpiMsgTmpl< T > Member List

This is the complete list of members for WxMpiMsgTmpl< T >, including all inherited members.

_recvBuffWxMsgTmpl< T >protected
_recvSizeWxMsgTmpl< T >protected
_sendBuffWxMsgTmpl< T >protected
_sendSizeWxMsgTmpl< T >protected
allReduce(unsigned num, T *sendBuff, T *recvBuff, MPI_Op op) const overrideWxMpiMsgTmpl< T >virtual
broadcast(unsigned num, T *buffer, int root) const overrideWxMpiMsgTmpl< T >virtual
finishSend(WxMsgStatus ms) const overrideWxMpiMsgTmpl< T >virtual
recv(unsigned num, std::vector< T > &array, unsigned sendRank, int tag) const overrideWxMpiMsgTmpl< T >virtual
recv(unsigned num, T *array, unsigned sendRank, int tag) const overrideWxMpiMsgTmpl< T >virtual
resizeArray(T *&array, unsigned &numElem, unsigned reqNumElem) constWxMsgTmpl< T >inlineprotected
resizeRecvBuff(unsigned reqSize)WxMsgTmpl< T >inlineprotected
resizeSendBuff(unsigned reqSize)WxMsgTmpl< T >inlineprotected
send(unsigned num, const T *arr, unsigned recvRank, int tag) const overrideWxMpiMsgTmpl< T >virtual
startRecv(unsigned num, unsigned sendRank, int tag) const overrideWxMpiMsgTmpl< T >virtual
startRecv(unsigned num, T *arr, unsigned sendRank, int tag) const overrideWxMpiMsgTmpl< T >virtual
startSend(unsigned num, const T *arr, unsigned recvRank, int tag) const overrideWxMpiMsgTmpl< T >virtual
WxMpiMsgTmpl(MPI_Comm comm)WxMpiMsgTmpl< T >inline
WxMsgTmpl()WxMsgTmpl< T >inlineprotected
~WxMsgTmpl()WxMsgTmpl< T >inlinevirtual