This is the complete list of members for WmUnstructuredPatch, including all inherited members.
_domain | WmUnstructuredPatch | protected |
_linkedPatches | WmUnstructuredPatch | protected |
_local | WmUnstructuredPatch | protected |
_meshID | WmUnstructuredPatch | protected |
_meshTranslation | WmUnstructuredPatch | protected |
_name | WmUnstructuredPatch | protected |
_numElementsPerLayer | WmUnstructuredPatch | protected |
_numLayers | WmUnstructuredPatch | protected |
_numNodesPerLayer | WmUnstructuredPatch | protected |
_numTotalElements | WmUnstructuredPatch | protected |
_numTotalNodes | WmUnstructuredPatch | protected |
_patchIndex | WmUnstructuredPatch | protected |
_patchRange | WmUnstructuredPatch | protected |
_pMeshID | WmUnstructuredPatch | protected |
_primitiveID | WmUnstructuredPatch | protected |
_procID | WmUnstructuredPatch | protected |
_pUG | WmUnstructuredPatch | protected |
_subdomainName | WmUnstructuredPatch | protected |
_subdomainRange | WmUnstructuredPatch | protected |
addLink(const std::string &linkedPatchName, int linkedPatchIndex, const std::vector< int > &numElementsPerLayer) | WmUnstructuredPatch | |
domain() const | WmUnstructuredPatch | inline |
getDomain() const | WmUnstructuredPatch | inline |
getLayerOfElement(int elementIndex) const | WmUnstructuredPatch | |
getMeshID() const | WmUnstructuredPatch | inline |
getMeshTranslation() const | WmUnstructuredPatch | inline |
getName() const | WmUnstructuredPatch | inline |
getNumElementsBelowLayer(int layer) const | WmUnstructuredPatch | |
getNumElementsInLayer(int ghostLayer) const | WmUnstructuredPatch | |
getNumLayers() const | WmUnstructuredPatch | inline |
getNumNodesInLayer(int ghostLayer) const | WmUnstructuredPatch | |
getNumTotalElements() const | WmUnstructuredPatch | inline |
getNumTotalNodes() const | WmUnstructuredPatch | inline |
getPatchConnectivity() const | WmUnstructuredPatch | |
getPatchIndex() const | WmUnstructuredPatch | inline |
getPatchLink(const WmUnstructuredPatch &patch) const | WmUnstructuredPatch | |
getPatchLinks() const | WmUnstructuredPatch | inline |
getPatchRange() const | WmUnstructuredPatch | inline |
getPMeshID() const | WmUnstructuredPatch | inline |
getPrimitiveID() const | WmUnstructuredPatch | inline |
getProcID() const | WmUnstructuredPatch | inline |
getSubdomainName() const | WmUnstructuredPatch | inline |
getSubdomainRange() const | WmUnstructuredPatch | inline |
getUnstructuredGeometry() const | WmUnstructuredPatch | inline |
isLocal() const | WmUnstructuredPatch | inline |
patchLinkMap_t typedef | WmUnstructuredPatch | |
patchLinkPair_t typedef | WmUnstructuredPatch | |
reconstructionID_t typedef | WmUnstructuredPatch | |
setGeometry(WmUnstructuredGeometry *pUG) | WmUnstructuredPatch | inline |
setLinkedPatch(int linkedPatchIndex, const int *fromIndexes, const int *toIndexes) | WmUnstructuredPatch | |
setMeshIDs(int previousMeshID, int meshID) | WmUnstructuredPatch | |
setMeshTranslation(int *mT) | WmUnstructuredPatch | |
setPatchRange(const WxRange &range) | WmUnstructuredPatch | inline |
setProcID(int num) | WmUnstructuredPatch | |
setSubdomainRange(const WxRange &range) | WmUnstructuredPatch | inline |
WmUnstructuredPatch(int patchIndex, const std::string &patchName, int primitiveID, int numLayers, const std::vector< int > &numElementsPerLayer, const std::vector< int > &numNodesPerLayer, const std::string &subdomainName, WmDomain *pDomain) | WmUnstructuredPatch | |
~WmUnstructuredPatch() | WmUnstructuredPatch | |