operational and environmental impacts of a conventional and a long-span yarding approach to forest management and its impact on
sediment deliveries to stream networks were simulated and compared in T12N/
R14E in the Ahtanum valley West of Yakima, WA. The
conventional approach produced higher revenues at lower costs as expected, but
delivered no more sediment to the stream than the long-span, no-new-roads
approach. The explanation for this
counter-intuitive result can be found in the density of the road network and
its proximity to the stream. The road network produced a tenfold sediment
increase over background levels, which might suggest a program of elimination
and/or surfacing of existing roads. Analysis of this case, however, suggests
that the construction of a ridge-based road network will be both
environmentally and economically superior. This approach of integrating
cumulative environmental impacts into the landscape scale harvest and
transportation planning appears promising for identifying management options
for reducing salmonid habitat degradation.
Keywords: harvest planning, road density, sediment
delivery, stream proximity
Sediment eroded from
forest roads and delivered to the stream network may impact the habitat of
endangered salmon species. This sediment can be estimated for alternate harvest
practices using existing models of sediment production and delivery, but our
planning objectives and day-to-day decisions must be guided by a simpler
measure of road impacts. One convenient measure of the environmental impact of
forest roads is road density, defined
as the total road length in a landscape divided by the landscape area. A
strategy to reduce environmental impacts would presumably include reducing road
density, but is this approach valid?
As part of a larger study on
the economic an environmental costs of road density reduction in a 36 square
mile planning area in
The utility of road
density as a measure of sediment delivery depends on whether sediment is
produced by roads or by road use. If we view roads as the source of the sediments,
then reducing road density will reduce road sediment. If we view road use as the source of sediments,
then reducing road density will not reduce necessary management traffic, or the
sediment it produces. The critical question is thus whether
road activities (construction and haul) or the roads themselves are the source
of sediments. The study findings (that road
density reduction did not reduce the delivered sediments) supports the road use explanation.
Figure 1: The
road network covers most of the planning area (left: existing roads are solid,
proposed roads are dashed). The figure to the left shows traffic volume and
pattern over a 25-year period. Most of
these roads remain unused over a 25-year period with most traffic concentrated
on the major haul roads along the valley bottoms (right: thicker lines
represent more haul traffic).
is significant, since forest soils in the
A traditional program of
road density reduction identifies and eliminates all road segments that will
not be needed in many years. Having no traffic, these roads would have minimal
impact on total basin sediments. A traditional program of road density
reduction will thus eliminate roads producing minimal sediment, and retain
roads producing most of the road network sediment.
A road network has a
branching structure, much like a tree or a stream network. Like these other
networks, most of the length of a road network is in the smallest branches (or
spur roads or first order streams), while most of the volume (traffic or sap
flow or streamflow) is carried in a main stem (or
primary roads). Eliminating unused spur roads can dramatically reduce the total
road network length, and can eliminate the first few hundred feet along the
spur road, but not the remaining miles along secondary and primary haul roads.
Improving road surfacing
can eliminate much of the sediment. Applying gravel or paving roads can be
costly however, and even after paving, significant amounts of sediment can
still be produced from cut and fill slopes, and road-side ditches. Model
results for the study area in
Road-stream separation is more effective at reducing
sediment delivery. While sediment is produced on all forest roads, its delivery
to streams is a function of the distance to a stream (Figure 2). The further that sediment has to flow across the forest floor, the
more it can be filtered, and the less likely it is to deliver to the stream
network. Roadside ditches and culverts that deliver to
stream crossings short circuit this filtering, so road alignment should avoid
streams wherever possible.
The ridge network is the topographic opposite of the stream network, never crossing and
always maximizing its distance from the stream network. A network of primary
and secondary roads following ridge networks (and crossing the stream network
only rarely) would deliver minimal sediment to the stream network, even if most
of the road is native surfaced. Shifting from a riparian-based road network to
a ridge-based road network will entail building more roads however, and in some
cases such a sediment minimizing alignment might even increase road density.
2: Sediment delivery decreases with
distance from the stream network (darker shade is higher delivery). Primary
haul roads (black) that stay in low delivery (white) ridge oriented alignments
(see examples in Northwest and Southeast sections) can route much haul traffic
with little stream impact.
Theoretic and simulation
analysis suggest that road density is a poor measure of road related sediment
delivery to the stream network. A program of road density reduction will tend
to eliminate the road sections with the least sediment impact (for example, the
elimination of a temporary spur road), and can even inhibit road realignment
options that would actually reduce sediment delivery.
It should be noted that
sediment is not the only ecosystem impact of roads. Other impacts include peak
flows, habitat fragmentation, and mass wasting. Road density might be a valid
indicator of road impacts on these processes, or it may be no better than it is
for estimating sediment delivery to streams. Similar landscape-scale studies
should be conducted to evaluate the validity of using road density as a measure
for each of these impacts.
reported project is supported through funds provided by the Washington State
Department of Natural Resources. The
views expressed here are those of the authors and do not imply agency
Peter Schiess is
Professor of Forest Engineering in the