JSISA405/ANTH 449, Spring 2020
The Social Transformation of Modern East Asia

Paper due Monday June 1st on Canvas by 11:59PM (late papers will be accepted)

Week X:
May June 3rd and 5th
Citizenship and Belonging in Hong Kong     

Wednesday: Partners, Babies, Wioves and Workers .

Friday: Citizenship and Belonging in Hong Kong.


  • What are the motivations and constraints on FDWs having babies in Hong Kong?
  • How would you compare those FDWs who become wives in Hong Kong with the Filipina wives in rural Japan that you read about in Faier? (Do foreign wives induce Hong Kong people to redefine their identity?)
  • How would you compare asylum seekers and others without legal status in Honng Kong with those that do have legal status in Hong Kong?

Reading: (summary due)

  • Constable, Born Out of Place, chaps 5-8


 Last Updated:

Contact the instructor at: sangok@u.washington.edu