TMATH 221, Spring 2016


Spatial & Geometric Reasoning

SLN 20279/20280
MDS 303C
12:50-2:55pm Tuesday & Thursday

The Class Syllabus answers most policy questions.
MyUW allows you to register for classes and change grading options.
Canvas is used to record grades and provide supplemental reading access.
Class or prep materials, depending on who you are:

Old Course Websites Project Directions
Class Links & Videos Project 1
viHart's Hexaflexagons Project 1 Rubric
viHart's angle-a-tron Project 2 group evals
KaleidoPaint Project2 Talk Rubric
Totaling to $2 Project2 W Rubric
viHart's gluing Worksheets .tex files
viHart's fruit by the foot Patty Paper Wks source
Klein Bottle Tiling Wks source
Numberphile Tiling (take 2) Wks source
Dr. Lang's TED talk topology definitions source
P2 \ D2 Origami Butterfly
un-connect sum of K2 computing grade source
T2#P2 spheres source
pi is wrong spheres again source
flattening earth connect sum source
brussel sprouts angle sums source
dragons finding Euler source
logarithms Fractal Dim practice source
dragon scales
Homework .tex files Midterm .tex files
HW 2 on tiling source midterm (solutions) source
HW 3 on chapter 1&2 source
HW 4 on chapter 5&9 source
HW 5 on chapter 9 & 10 source
HW 6 on chapter 5 & 12 source