Lecture Notes: Instinct and Learning
Lecture Notes: Genetics and Development
Lecture Notes: Behavioral Adaptations
Lecture Notes: Foraging Behavior
Lecture Notes: Reproductive Tactics
Lecture Notes: Social Behavior
COURSE COVERAGE (Ch. X refers to chapters in Siiter, R.):
Lectures (Generally Monday - Thursday).
Films (Generally Fridays). The films on animal behavior are an integral part of the course. They provide excellent visual examples of the principles discussed in lectures and these examples will be referred to throughout the course in lectures, discussion sections, and exams. The films are well-narrated, superbly photographed, and quite entertaining (most will be from David Attenborough's PBS series on animal behavior, The Trials of Life). The Trials of Life films are available for individual viewing at Odegaard's Media Center.
Exams. There will be three 60-minute, 100-point exams. Each exam covers one-third of the course and the three are weighted equally. Questions are based on lectures, text readings, discussion, and key points from films. The exam format is short answer/essay. Grades will be based on the accuracy, organization, conciseness, and legibility of your answers.
Appeals. If you believe that an exam question was misgraded, you may appeal to have your exam regraded. You can do this by submitting in writing a logical argument as to why you think that you deserve more credit for an answer. Appeals must be submitted no later than three days after graded exams are returned in class. If you submit an appeal, I will regrade your entire exam; thus, you may receive or lose additional points from misgraded answers that you did not specifically appeal.
Replacement exams. A replacement exam will be offered to anyone who has a legitimate, documented reason for missing Exam 1 or Exam 2. The Replacement Exam will cover material from the first two-thirds of the course, and will be given during the final week of the quarter, by arrangement. No other make-ups will be offered.
Final Grades. There is no extra credit in this course. I generally try to maintain a course-wide average of about 2.6. Your final grade will be calculated from the total points on Exam 1, 2, and 3. Your grade will be calculated as follows:
Therefore, your decimal score, reported to the registrar, would be: (79.33 - 55) / 10 = 2.4
Disabled Students.
To request academic accommodations due to a disability, contact Disabled Student Services (543-8924: V/TDD). If you have a letter from DSS indicating that you have a disability that requires accommodation, please present the letter to your instructors promptly.