.. _openmp: ============================================================= OpenMP ============================================================= OpenMP is discussed in :ref:`slides` starting with Lecture 13. Sample codes ------------ There are a few sample codes in the `$CLASSHG/codes/openmp` directory. See the `README.txt` file for instructions on compiling and executing. Here is a very simple code, that simply evaluates a costly function at many points: .. literalinclude:: ../codes/openmp/yeval.f90 :language: fortran :linenos: Note the following: * Lines starting with `!$` are only executed if the code is compiled and run with the flag `-fopenmp`, otherwise they are comments. * `x` must be declared a `private` variable in the `omp parallel do` loop, so that each thread has its own version. Otherwise another thread might reset `x` between the time its assigned a value and the time this value is used to set `y(i)`. * The loop iterator `i` is private by default, but all other varaibles are shared by default. Fine-grain vs. coarse-grain paralellism --------------------------------------- Consider the problem of normalizing a vector by dividing each element by the 1-norm of the vector, defined by :math:`\|x\|_1 = \sum_{i=1}^n |x_i|`. We must first loop over all points to compute the norm. Then we must loop over all points and set :math:`y_i = x_i / \|x\|_1`. Note that we cannot combine these two loops into a single loop! Here is an example with *fine-grain paralellism*, where we use the OpenMP `omp parallel do` directive or the `omp do` directive within a `omp parallel` block. .. literalinclude:: ../codes/openmp/normalize1.f90 :language: fortran :linenos: Note the following: * We initialize :math:`x_i=i` as a test, so :math:`\|x\|_1 = n(n+1)/2`. * The compiler decides how to split the loop between threads. The loop starting on line 38 might be split differently than the loop starting on line 45. * Because of this, all threads must have access to all of memory. Next is a version with *coarse-grain parallelism*, were we decide how to split up the array between threads and then execute the same code on each thread, but each thread will compute its own version of `istart` and `iend` for its portion of the array. With this code we are guaranteed that thread 0 always handles `x(1)`, for example, so in principle the data could be distributed. When using OpenMP on a shared memory computer this doesn't matter, but this version is more easily generalized to MPI. .. literalinclude:: ../codes/openmp/normalize2.f90 :language: fortran :linenos: Note the following: * `istart` and `iend`, the starting and ending values of `i` taken by each thread, are explicitly computed in terms of the thread number. We must be careful to handle the case when the number of threads does not evenly divide `n`. * Various variables must be declared `private` in lines 37-38. * `norm` must be initialized to 0 before the `omp parallel` block. Otherwise some thread might set it to 0 after another thread has already updated it by its `norm_thread`. * The update to `norm` on line 60 must be in a `omp critical` block, so two threads don't try to update it simultaneously (data race). * There must be an `omp barrier` on line 65 between updating `norm` by each thread and using `norm` to compute each `y(i)`. We must make sure all threads have updated `norm` or it won't have the correct value when we use it. For comparison of fine-grain and coarse-grain parallelism on Jacobi iteration, see * :ref:`jacobi1` * :ref:`jacobi2_omp` Further reading --------------- * :ref:`biblio_openmp` in bibliography * ``_ * `Livermore tutorial `_ * `NERSC tutorial `_