 Source file:
 Directory:   /home/rjl/www/pubs/cise08/cise08levequeV2
 Converted:   Thu Jul 3 2008 at 12:44:55
 This documentation file will not reflect any later changes in the source file.

120                       =: mx          (cells in x direction)
120                       =: my          (cells in x direction)

1                         =: nout        (number of output times)
1                         =: outstyle    (style of specifying output times)
0.75                      =: tfinal      (final time)

0.10000000000000001       =: dt_initial  (initial dt )
9.9e50                    =: dt_max      (max allowable dt )
1.0                       =: cfl_max     (max allowable Courant number)
0.90000000000000002       =: cfl_desired (desired Courant number)
5000                      =: max_steps   (max time steps per call to claw1)

1                         =: dt_variable (1 for variable dt)
2                         =: order       (1 or 2)
2                         =: order_trans (0, 1, or 2)
0                         =: verbosity   (verbosity of output)
0                         =: src_split   (source term splitting)
3                         =: mcapa       (aux index for capacity fcn)
3                         =: maux        (should agree with driver)

1                         =: meqn        (number of equations)
1                         =: mwaves      (number of waves)
3                         =: mthlim      (limiter for each wave)

0.0                       =: t0          (initial time)
-1.0                      =: xlower      (left edge of computational domain)
1.0                       =: xupper      (right edge of computational domain)
-1.0                      =: ylower      (bottom edge of computational domain)
1.0                       =: yupper      (top edge of computational domain)

2                         =: mbc          (number of ghost cells)
1                         =: mthbc_xlower (type of BC at xlower)
1                         =: mthbc_xupper (type of BC at xupper)
1                         =: mthbc_ylower (type of BC at ylower)
1                         =: mthbc_yupper (type of BC at yupper)

0                         =: restart      (1 to restart from a past run)
10                        =: N_restart    (restart from fort.N)