Abstract. Neural networks (NNs) enable precise modeling of complicated geophysical phenomena but are sensitive to small input changes. In this work, we present a new method for analyzing this instability in NNs. We focus our analysis on adversarial examples, test-time inputs with carefully-crafted human-imperceptible perturbations that expose the worst-case instability in a model's predictions. Our stability analysis is based on alow-rank expansion of NNs on a fixed input, and we apply our analysis to a NN model for tsunami early warning which takes geodetic measurements as the input and fore-casts tsunami waveforms. The result is an improved description of local stability that explains adversarial examples generated by a standard gradient-based algorithm, and allows the generation of even worse examples. Our analysis can predict whether noise in the geodetic input will produce an unstable output, and identifies a simple approach to filtering the input that enables more robust forecasting from noisy input.
Key Points.
bibtex entry:
@misc{RimSuri2023, author="D. Rim and S. Suri and S. Hong and K. Lee and R.J. LeVeque", title="A Stability Analysis of Neural Networks andIts Application to Tsunami Early Warning", howpublished="EarthArXiv Preprint, \url{https://eartharxiv.org/repository/view/5381/}", year="2023" }