Abstract. This report documents a Tsunami Hazard Assessment study of the site on the campus of the Long Beach Elementary School for a proposed tsunami vertical evacuation berm structure. The study conducted GeoClaw tsunami model simulations for two scenarios: a near-field tsunamigenic M9.0 earthquake on the Cascadia Subduction Zone, and a far-field event similar to the 1964 Alaska M9.2 earthquake and tsunami.
Technical report: http://hdl.handle.net/1773/22705
bibtex entry:
@misc{LongBeachBerm, author="F. I. Gonzal\'ez and R. J. LeVeque and L. M. Adams", title="{Tsunami Hazard Assessment of the Elementary School Berm Site in Long Beach, WA}", howpublished="http://hdl.handle.net/1773/22705", year="2013" }