.. _codes: Code and notebooks ================== Matlab scripts to accompany the book ------------------------------------ See `the book webpage `_ Jupyter notebooks ----------------- You can view notebooks posted on the web online via `nbviewer `_. (Check out this link and also the `gallery `_ for lots of cool examples of notebooks and books/papers written in this format.) To view the notebooks for this class, you can now view them directly on the GitHub webpages at https://github.com/rjleveque/amath586s2019/tree/master/notebooks. This shows the notebook as it was last committed to the repository, which might or might not include the output cells. (Often I delete the output before committing, particularly if there are lots of figures.) At any rate you won't be able to change anything or execute the notebook. html versions of a few notebooks can also be viewed at these links: - `Pendulum_ForwardEuler.html <_static/Pendulum_ForwardEuler.html>`_ - `HeatEquation.html <_static/HeatEquation.html>`_ - `Advection.html <_static/Advection.html>`_ - `Leapfrog_outflow.html <_static/Leapfrog_outflow.html>`_ If you want to modify something in a notebook and re-execute, you will need to download the notebook (or find it in the :ref:`class_repos`, in the `notebooks` directory). You will need a recent version of Jupyter in order to run a `Jupyter notebook `_. See :ref:`software`. If you want to easily run notebooks without installing any software, you might try `CoCalc `_. **New:** You can also run notebooks from this class repository in the cloud using `binder `_. To do so, simply |binder_link|. This will open a new tab and then might take a minute to start up a kernel, after which you should see an index of notebooks. .. |binder_link| raw:: html launch binder Recall that you can select `Run All` from the `Cell` menu to execute the entire notebook and see all the output.