.. _jupyter: ============================================================= Jupyter notebooks ============================================================= See :ref:`software` for information on installing Jupyter notebooks. See the `Jupyter documentation `_ and this `gallery of interesting notebooks `_. Some notebooks developed for this class will be in the `notebooks` subdirectory of the :ref:`class_repos`. You can view them online by clicking on a notebook from `this Github page `_. Python is the default language if you start a new notebook. .. _pymatbridge: Using Matlab in notebooks ------------------------- **Note:** This is all rather fragile as versions of Python and Matlab have changed recently, so I don't currently recommend trying this unless you're already comfortable with Matlab and Jupyter and looking for a new challenge. If you want to type Matlab code in a cell and execute that cell using Matlab, you can use `Pymatbridge `_ so that a cell that starts with the "magic command" `%%matlab` will be executed in Matlab. If you install Pymatbridge and also the `Matlab kernel extension `_ then you can create a notebook that runs the Matlab kernel as the default for all cells. Then you do not need to start cells with `%%matlab`. (In this case you can start a cell with `%%python` if you want one cell to use Python instead.) You should be able to get both `pymatbridge` and `matlab_kernel` via:: pip install matlab_kernel If you don't have the Python package manager `pip` but have the Anaconda Python, try:: conda install pip