.. _biblio: ============================================================= Some other references ============================================================= Some of the books listed below are SIAM e-books and available free if you access them from a UW computer. Or if you are off-campus, you can gain access by using the `UW library off-campus proxy `_. For more SIAM e-book titles related to numerical linear algebra, see `Linear Algebra and Matrix Theory list `_ (See also the list of `SIAM textbooks on this topic `_). Linear algebra --------------- .. [StrangBook] G. Strang, `Introduction to Linear Algebra `_, Wellesley-Cambridge and SIAM, 2016. (Strang also has videos of lectures online, check `his webpage `_ .. [Demmel] J. W. Demmel, `Applied Numerical Linear Algebra `_, SIAM e-book, 1997. .. [Stewart-1] G. W. Stewart, `Matrix Algorithms: Volume 1: Basic Decompositions `_, SIAM e-book, 1998. .. [Stewart-2] G. W. Stewart, `Matrix Algorithms: Volume 2: Eigensystems `_, SIAM e-book, 2001. .. [Matousek] J. MatousĖŒek, `Thirty-three Miniatures `_ Mathematical and Algorithmic Applications of Linear Algebra, American Mathematical Society, 2010. Available on reserve at the Mathematics Research Library. A `preliminary version pdf `_ is also available. Matlab ------ .. [Driscoll] T. A. Driscoll, `Learning MATLAB `_, SIAM e-book, 2009. .. [Higham] D. J. Higham and N. J. Higham, `Matlab Guide: Second Edition `_ SIAM e-book, 2005. .. [Moler] C. B. Moler, `Numerical Computing with MATLAB, `_ SIAM e-book, 2004. Python ------ .. [Dive-into-Python] M. Pilgram, `Dive Into Python, `_. .. [Python] G. van Rossum, `An Introduction to Python, `_ .. _biblio-latex: Latex ----- .. [HighamChapter] N. J. Higham, `Tex and Latex Chapter `_ from: `Handbook of Writing for the Mathematical Sciences, `_ , Second Edition, SIAM e-book. .. [GriffithsHigham] D.F. Griffiths and D.J. Higham, `Learning LaTeX `_, SIAM, 2016 (New edition!) Advanced topics --------------- .. [Dongarra-Duff] J. J. Dongarra, I. S. Duff, D. C. Sorensen, H. A. van der Vorst, `Numerical Linear Algebra for High-Performance Computers, `_, SIAM e-book.