.. _clawpack: Installing Clawpack =================== See - `clawpack.org `_ for general documentation - `clawpack.org/installing.html `_ for a variety of installation options These notes show the recommended way to do it on the UW JupyterHub so that the Riemann book notebooks work, and so that the `apps repository` can be updated if necessary. pip install (almost) everything ------------------------------- Following the instructions at http://www.clawpack.org/installing_pip.html#install-quick-all, open a terminal and give this command:: pip install --src=$HOME/clawpack_src --user -e \ git+https://github.com/clawpack/clawpack.git@v5.9.0#egg=clawpack-v5.9.0 \ --use-deprecated=legacy-resolver (The last line might not be needed if using an old version of pip). This may take a while to install since it compiles some Fortran code. This should create a new directory `$HOME/clawpack_src/clawpack-v5-9-0` and for running Fortran codes later (and for the purposes of these instructions) we set an environment variable to point to this directory:: export CLAW=$HOME/clawpack_src/clawpack-v5-9-0 Clawpack includes a useful utility to test whether clawpack can be imported in Python and what version of clawpack it's using, if you happen to have multiple versions:: python $CLAW/clawutil/src/python/clawutil/whichclaw.py This is all that's needed to get started with Clawpack, and on the UW JupyterHub the notebooks in the `Riemann_book` directory should now run. That directory should already be in your Hub instance, and is a clone of https://github.com/clawpack/riemann_book. Apps Repository --------------- Some other notebooks and Fortran applications directories can be found in the `apps repository `__. This isn't downloaded by default when Clawpack is installed, but you can use git clone as suggested on that documentation page. However, for AMath 574 I suggest you clone it instead from my fork of the repository so that you can check out a particular branch (called `am574`) that I will be updating during the quarter. Here's how to do this:: cd $CLAW git clone git@github.com:rjleveque/apps.git This directory has several subdirectories, in particular: - `$CLAW/apps/fvmbook` contains examples from the textbook FVMHP (as indicated by the links in the captions of many figures). - `$CLAW/apps/notebooks` has several subdirectories containing Jupyter notebooks related to different capabilities of Clawpack. Unfortunately some of these examples are slightly out of date and may not run perfectly, but I hope they will get fixed up this quarter. Hence the branch `am574`. Before running any of the notebooks or Clawpack code in this repository, you might want to copy things into a separate directory, e.g. under `$MY574`, to avoid merge conflicts if you want to update this repository later with a `git pull`.