.. _lectures: Lectures and slides ------------------- Slides from the 2011 version of AMath 574 are available `here `_. The material is being covered in a different order this year and lectures will be primarily on the board, but some of these slides may be useful for studying the material. .. _lectures_recorded: Recorded lectures ----------------- **For February 9, 2015** - This lecture uses the `2011 slides `_ for Lectures 16 and 17 - The IPython notebook can be found in `$CLAW/apps/notebooks/riemann/shallow/ShallowWaterRiemannProblem.ipynb`. You can `view the notebook via nbviewer `_, but to change the data and re-execute cells, you will need to be running the notebook. - Videos: - `Part 1 `_ -- Lecture 16 (26 minutes) - `Part 2 `_ -- Lecture 17 (40 minutes) **For February 25, 2015** - This lecture uses the `2011 slides `_ for Lecture 15, starting on Slide 21 - Videos: - `Part 1 `_ -- Discussion of entropy functions (17 minutes) - `Part 2 `_ -- Discussion of Lax-Wendroff Theorem (21 minutes)