.. _lab2: Lab 2: Friday, Jan. 16, 2015 ============================= We will be using IPython notebooks in this lab, so please make sure you can open a notebook on your laptop, or on SageMathCloud. See :ref:`python` for some references and tutorials for Python and notebooks. Obtain the IPython notebook we'll be using via:: cd $AM574 git pull cp -r $AM574/labs/lab2 $MY574 cd $MY574/lab2 then open the notebook `$MY574/lab2/AdvectionTests.ipynb`. **Note:** This assumes you have defined the environment variables `$AM574` and `$MY574` as suggested in last week's lab (:ref:`lab1`). See :ref:`class_repos`, which now summarizes how to do this. **Material added after lab:** - A version of the notebook with sample solutions to the questions posed is now in `$MY574/lab2/AdvectionTestsSolutions.ipynb` and can be viewed `here `_. - `Video from the lab presentation `_.