Laura and Allison Keil

Yes, Daddy finally updated our page! There are a bunch of new photos here added on May 18th, 1998. Can you believe that we are now almost 5 months old?! Time really flies! We are growing and growing and having more and more fun every day. Last week we discovered our hands- isn't it interesting how each finger can be moved independently? We also have these things that Mommy and Daddy call feet, but we aren't sure what they are for except that they are good for balancing on when we are held upright. All-in-all, things are going great for us. Mommy still has the breast restaurant in town, and Daddy always changes our diapers with a smile.

Click on any off these images to see really BIG versions of these pictures.

our third set of pictures are here...

our second set of pictures are here...
our first set of pictures are here...

Happy Easter
Happy Easter!
Laura and Mom play Easter Bunny
Laura and Mom play "Easter Bunny"
Laura and Allison lounge around
Lounging around
Hanging with Grandma
Hanging out with Grandma
Allison and Laura wear Annelie's hats
Allison and Laura wearing the hats that Annelie made.
The family at the beach
At Shilshole beach.
Allison prepares to make some pasta
Allison prepares some pasta.
this is fun!
Allison is gourmet stuff!
Dad and the girls relaxing on the rocker
Lazing on an Sunday afternoon.
Allison watches as Laura sleeps
Allison keeps an eye out...
hanging out
Hanging out together on the chair.
Seattle Mothers of Twins club members pack the house
Twins Moms pack the house.
Laura in Hil's hat
Laura wears Hilairy's hat!
Allison on the changing table.
Mommy and Laura
Laura in Mommy's papoose.
Our Program for early
	parent Support (PEPS) group consists of (left to right) Rebecca, Karen,
	Bill, Elizabeth and Allison, Steve and Jack, Becky, Tish, Amy and Nona,
	Pierre and Dereck, Tim and Emma, and Rick and Laura!
Our PEPS group!
The PEPS babies are Emma, Dereck, Jack, Allison, Laura, Rosie and Nona
The PEPS babies!
Daddy!  Stop it!
Daddy, Stop It!!!
Laura looking contemplative
Zebra and Cow
Zebra and Cow
Allison looking smug

This page is maintained by daddy (