December 18, 2017
Monday | Wednesday | Friday |
1/5: Introduction: Class structure and expectations. Observed hypoxia/anoxia in Puget Sound, Chesapeake, Long Island Sound, Baltic. PPT Fun reading: Oysters |
1/7: Residence time basic definition. Tidal processes of water replacement and dispersion. Three Tree Point. PDF, Drifter Movie Useful PS maps: PDF |
1/9: Tides: Physics and Phenomena Background PDF RQ#1 Due on Mofjeld & Larsen (1984) Ref: Lavelle et al. (1988) |
1/12: Basins and Sills, Rivers, Stratification, and Mean Currents. PPT Reference: Cokelet et al. (1990) |
1/14: The Knudsen relation, and the physical origin of the exchange flow. PPT Reference: Cannon (1983) |
1/16: Discussion of RQ#2. Time-dependent Knudsen relation. RQ#2 Due on Babson et al. (2006) |
1/19: HOLIDAY | 1/21: Primary Production: basic concepts - rate curves and the Sverdrup Critical Depth Background on phytoplankton: chapters from Richard Strickland's book "The Fertile Fjord" LINK (esp. Ch. 3) Lecture PDF |
1/23: Primary Production - discussion RQ#3 Winter et al. (1975) |
1/26: Primary Production: patterns of productivity, nutrients, and stratification around Puget Sound and Georgia Strait Lecture PDF |
1/28: Zooplankton and their behavior Lecture PDF |
1/30: Zooplankton RQ#4 Roman et al. (2005) |
2/2: More patterns of Primary Production: Global to Estuarine Lecture PPT |
2/4: Nutrient Sources, Hypoxia and Anoxia Lecture PPT |
2/6: The Hood Canal Dissolved Oxygen Project (a video of Dr. Newton is at the upper right of this link) RQ#5 Newton et al. (2007) Guest: Dr.Jan Newton, UW APL |
2/9: Zoopl. Response to Hypoxia Lecture PDF |
2/11: Estuarine Turbidity Maximum (ETM) Lecture: physics PPT & bio PDF |
2/13 (no PM): Geological setting Reading (no RQ) Mitchell (2005) and USGS data Guest: Dr. Ben Sheets, UW MG&GLecture: PPT |
2/16: HOLIDAY | 2/18 (no JK): Intertidal Processes Special Guests: Dr. Stefan Talke (UW/CEE) and Dr. Neil Banas (UW/APL)Banas PDF - Talke PPTOptional Background Reading:
2/20 (no JK): Climate Change RQ#6 Moore et al. (2008) Guest: Dr. Stephanie Moore, NOAA |
2/23: Puget Sound Physical Model and Idealized Estuary Tank ** Meet at Old Ocean Building, marked "Oceanog" around K-17 on the map |
2/25: Harmful Algae Blooms (HABs) Part I Lecture: PDF Guest: Eva Dusek (SAFS) |
2/27: HABs RQ#7 Trainer et al. (2007) Guest: Dr. Vera Trainer, NMFSLecture: PDF Background Moore et al. (2009) |
3/2: Invasive Species Guest: Dr. Jeff Cordel, UW SAFSLecture PDF |
3/4: Overview & Summary
3/6: TALKS Dan HelmanEric Rehm |
3/9: TALKS Eva DusekJesse PortNick Ward |
3/11: TALKS Josh ChamberlinJess BeetzDan NowackiSarah Heerhartz |
3/13: TALKS Amy CashSam GoochShuang ZhangMaggie Avener |