Parker MacCready, UW Physical Oceanography

Map to the Ocean Sciences Building

To get here from the main UW campus, just walk down 15th to near the water. the building is just past the big construction site. As of September 2005 you have to walk on the West side of the street below Pacific. You could also walk over Pacific on the footbridge near Kincaid. It takes about 5 minutes from Mary Gates.

Parker MacCready's lab is room 147. This is on the ground floor, through the big double doors just the the left when you come in the main (West side) entrance. Lab phone is (206) 543-6747.

My office is room 313, on the third floor. Go up the stairs and then down the hallway ahead and to the right as you come to the top of the stairs. Office phone is (206) 685-9588.

Driving directions: click here.