Programa NW Cádiz 2006-2007

UW Spanish & Portuguese Studies - Cádiz, España

Rooftops of Cadiz, (c) Copyright Zachary Bohnenkamp, 2004.

See General Information page for 2006-2007 Brochure, Application Form, Housing Preference Form, and 2007-2007 Academic Calendar (key dates).

    How to reach us: Phones/ addresses in Cádiz  

    Clickable map of Cádiz

    Map: where you live, where we meet (número 60 en el mapa)    

    2006-2007 Academic Calendar (key Program dates).

    Program Activities Calendar (our excursions, free weekends, etc. will be added late Aug./early Sept.)


Rita Serghini, Resident Director Rita Serghini, Director Elena Deem, Assist. Dir. (Jan.-June)

Elena Deem, Assist. Director

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