Our second visit this year

A NWC Program first: the bus pulled out of Córdoba at 5:00 ON THE DOT. Unbelievable! By 8 we were in Granada, getting situated in our hotel and shortly thereafter many small groups of students made their first foray to one of our favorite Shwarma joints (we reached near concensus after repeated samplings between 9 and 3:30 am; most of us prefered the Kabab House to Kabab King, but they're both good). Here are a few pictures of our favorite places.

Katie and Katie and Maya and Rick:

Sala de los embajadores (sin y con) y de las 2 hermanas


generalife vista

Iris in the Generalife gardens:

We don't pick just any week to visit Granada: Las cruces, no less!

Our Group Lunch in the Albaicín at theRincón de la Aurora

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