Recepción en El Casino
Profesores, Alumnos, Familias
Los catorce alumnos nuevos que llegaron a mediados de enero, ya han terminado el programa
de orientación y es hora de celebrar lo conseguido en dos semanitas en K2, en Cádiz, y en casa.
José Herrera y Pepi, la de Ignacio, nos ofrecieron una deliciosa introducción a cante y toque tan
hondamente arraigada en la cultura gaditana. Las caras lo dicen todo.

One week earlier, their first in Cádiz, the new students got their first taste of Botellón, that
oh-so-noisy and unending weekend partying that gears up about midnight and goes on and on and on.
Here a few of the year-long students (who'd run out of money, and thus returned a few days
early from semester break), point out that crucial corner in the Casco Viejo where our students have to be
SURE they're speaking Spanish (esquina Cánovas con Sagasta: right under the director's windows).
Note who's carrying the booze and who's his dear friend. In the
background, the favorite hang out for afternoon studying: Woodstock. (Have I got that right or what!)

All NWC Cádiz directors celebrate, I suspect, when the movida finally moves to the beach!
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